Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Passing Thought

I have been pondering for a long time over how I am to make the most possible use of my life for the good of the world. The scope of the question and its implications is daunting, which makes me tend to shy away from reaching any decisive conclusions. I have read pages upon pages searching for the answer. I live a life that I consider a decent enough back-eddy to keep me while I wait out the answer, before I plunge any farther down the stream to which I am blind. I feel in my yearning heart that my journey is somehow worthy of spectators, when reason scoffs at the suggestion. In the end, I am just another 22-year-old boy, bereft of any noteworthy experience, secretly hoping to one day be one of the men whose life is counted as worthy of being eternally stored between an attractive set of bookends.